Hero Packaging

WWTL has joined forces with Hero Packaging to mail your products in 100% biodegradable, reusable materials, this means NO MORE PLASTIC! 

Made form Cassava roots and cornstarch, these mailers are home compostable and can be used to feed the worms and create nutritious fertiliser. If you are in Australia click here to find a composter near you. If you have one at home, it's best to cut them up and place in your compost bin (as "brown" materials). These will completely break down within 90 days in a compostable environment leaving no chemical residue. However, if they do end up in landfill, it takes 2 years for these babies to break down which is still better than 400 years or more (which is how long traditional shipping mailers take), along with the release of deadly methane gas into our atmosphere.

For more information visit https://heropackaging.com.au